While we wait for the official templates, I figured I'd throw you mine. Currently I'm making use of three various formats.
1. My standard blank page. With light-gray boxes spaced to enhance brainstorming and encourage the freedom to start over often. The upper right corner is for titles or dates.
2. My standard full page/cover. Same idea but larger. I put the Bundle title in the upper left corner, as it is easier to thumb through when used as a bundle cover. But for some reason this template doesn't have that, and I don't have MS Publisher near me to fix that.
3. Annual Calendar at a glance. This is mostly Bryan's work and idea, but I've adjusted it just a tad, adding the Latin (I think) and reformatting it to fit on a single half sheet. I keep two of these: one for this year and one for next. This year's sits in my "briefacse" catch-call bundle, which I clean out and review once per week. Next year's sits in my "Quarterly Tickler" which I review ever three months.