Your Everbook: Allen’s Weak Suit

Your Everbook: Allen’s Weak Suit

Your Everbook
Allen says that organization hasn't been his strong suit, but it looks like Everbook is helping him take a hold of it. He posts his review of onboarding the Everbook "modular" binder over on his blog "Epistles in Exile":
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Your Everbook: Staci Denim Dunnit!

Your Everbook: Staci Denim Dunnit!

Your Everbook
How cool is this?! Staci writes, "I started out with a manilla envelope, then started a different denim project and thought, why not!" We couldn't agree more! I've been waiting for someone to just grab a bit of fabric and go. But check out that magnificent use of a button! It only goes to show that there is no limit on creativity, which is exactly what Everbook sets you free to pursue more of.
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Your Everbook: Lee Starts Simple

Your Everbook: Lee Starts Simple

Your Everbook
Why invest in leather when you can just start with paper? As Bryan says on our most recent podcast. "It's paper! It's a folder! It's paper!" Lee on Twitter shares his cheap, quick start! We're all for it. Give it a run with whatever implements you can find. You'll soon enough see how valuable it is!
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