007 Saving Scribbles
Released this a week ago but forgot to post it here! New once coming later this week too! [buzzsprout episode='1153670' player='true']
Announcing the Logo Champion
We asked. You chose. Everbook has an official logo. By a margin of over 2 to 1, you selected the gears and clock face: Bryan and Jonathan have already sent it off to our artist to start working on style sheets and color schemes. One action at a time!

Your Everbook: Allen’s Weak Suit
Allen says that organization hasn't been his strong suit, but it looks like Everbook is helping him take a hold of it. He posts his review of onboarding the Everbook "modular" binder over on his blog "Epistles in Exile": https://pastoralkorn.blogspot.com/2019/04/everbook-modular-planner.html

Guest Post: Chris’s Poor Man’s Everbook 1.0/2.0
Chris wanted to give Everbook a try before going whole hog on handcrafted leather. Check out how quickly he adopted it to invoicing and project tracking! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7t0HiovdyQ&feature=youtu.be