Everbook Logo: You Choose!
Bryan and Jonathan have been working with a designer for a few weeks trying to come up with the ultimate logo for stamping into the leather of official Everbooks as they roll off the assembly line. But they can't make up their mind about these two. They're almost undoubtedly going with "rivets" rather than "flags," but what are your thoughts about the preferred background. Log your vote and be part of history. XD Option 1: Gears and Clockface Option 2: Gears and More Gears Vote! Remember: Don't vote on the banner style! Just the background. https://poll.fm/10283861

Everbook Basics: Analog Digital Fusion
https://youtu.be/Xrh79nZLMcM Jonathan answers a question from Andy about whether Everbook means getting rid of your digital calendar.

Hey Ma! I Fixed it!
The forums should no longer be giving you the "bot" message and preventing you from registering. Woohoo! So log in and get sharing!